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Vortex with his hands up in the air

The Ultimate Caption Contest

Vortex with his hands up in the air
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239 captions have been posted for this image so far ...
trailbreaker writes: “I can’t reach the cereal !”
trailbreaker writes: New school crossing guard .
trailbreaker writes: “High Five Galvatron !”
Decepticon Stryker writes: I throw my hands up in the air sometimes saying aaayyyoh Michael Bayyyoh!
Rainmaker writes: "Megatron, don't kill Prime yet! He still has my phone! My apps!"
Riptidemtmte writes: "PROMOTIONS!!!"
KickBack84 writes: "Praise The Lord and testify!"
Zeedust writes: "Oh, dear Primus, it's that Quixote guy again! FOR THE LAST TIME, I'M NOT A WINDMILL!"
peacethroughtyranny writes: I throw my hands up in my air sometimes, saying AYYYYO baby let's go
Evil Eye writes: OH GOD! IT'S HIDEOUS!
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grimlock1972 writes: have you heard the word of Primus?
GraveBorn writes: "Y" ....."Y"...come on guys i need you do do the "M"C"A" i can't do this along it doesn't look right.
Rambo_Prime writes: Wait.... what do you mean they don't just appear whenever I say "merge"... uh-oh
Angelbot writes: Don't turn around (uh-oh)
Der Kommisar's in town (uh-oh)

(Vortex wonders if there's anyway to make Angelbot knock off the cheesy 80's references)
Angelbot writes: Vive le Québec libre!

(Charles de Gaulle now rolls over in his grave...)
Nemesis Jason writes: Side Struddle Hops!! Push Ups!! Side Struddle Hops!!
decipticonhater5995 writes: Go Back.Go Back.I Said Go Back!!!!Don't Make Me Do This!!!!!Alright Ill do It *phhhhhhhhhhhhttttttttttt*
Octocon writes: camera scrolls along the row of combaticons
Vortex: "Y"
Swindle: "M"
Brawl: "C"
Blastoff: "A"
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bringo writes: On guard duty and given no weapons and no possible back up he does the best job he can, by yelling "Halt" loudly and throwing his hands up in surrender to those with weapons and backup.
bringo writes: "He's tryin to fly again."
"You would think he could transform into a helicopter or something. Oh he can? Does he know that? No?"
bringo writes: I drank this many red bulls and I can't sleep...EVER!!!
Flame Cheetor writes: Blast Off:Yuck! what's that smell!
Onslaught:It smells like stinky armpits!
Swindle:Hey umm Vortex,did you feed your armpits with junk?!
Vortex:it seemed like a good idea at the time...
Roadshadow writes: Vortex: Momma! Momma!
Bruticus (Missing Vortex as his left arm): Dammit Vortex stop acting like a baby!
big finale writes: hey baby ooh aah or if your happy and u know it clap your hands
starscream_the_eternal writes: Vortex practices for the part of the Y in the village peoples YMCA broadway play.
Roadshadow writes: Vortex decided to leave the Combaticons and pursue his true a mime.
Jedi-and writes: Vortex: Okay guys, we're on Rachmaninov, Bar 40, after four... One, two, a-one two three four....
Jedi-and writes: Vortex: Hey guys! Watch this! I'm gonna do that scene from Golden Eye! Ya know the opener?
Onslaught: Did you cut his rope or did I?
Swindle: I did, don't worry.
Onslaught: Then who's rope did I cut?
*In base*
Megatron: I think I'
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Unknown writes: my blades itch.....can you help me??
Fireblader writes: If your happy and you know it, clap your hands!
Unknown writes: Holy holy Halleulah!
I just got laid!!!!!!!!
Voyager Prime writes: Vortex: Don't shoot! I'm a Minicon, NOT a Go-Bot!
JPrime writes: Officer I'm telling you I can't drop the weapons!
SilentBlaster writes: After a clank on the head vortex thought he was magneto.
Kamakaze Thrower writes: YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!!
Unknown writes: OPEN SESAME!
(3 seconds later)
(3 seconds later)
(door opens)
Starazor writes: Vortex : "Aigh! Don't shoot! These are NOT jazz hands!"
Starscream: (off camera) "Fag."
Stress writes: oo oo look what i can do with my fingers! (i know i know give me a break so i retyped it ok)
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Stress writes: ooo ooo look what i co do with my fingers!
Death Gunner writes: (Doing a morpheus impression)
Cybertron, hear me! The Humans, are coming with their, armies. To destroy our way, of life! There is only one thing, we can do, to com,bat them. Lets get jiggy with it!
buddhaquest writes: NO MORE REPAINTS!!!!
Fananga writes: POWER!!!!!! EXTREME!

(Warning u may need to be at least 20 for this reference lol)
Suzuki writes: "I'M TRAPPED IN AN INVISIBLE BOX!!!!!"
Starscream7 writes: Vortex- Hey guys, over here!

Megatron- Fire at will.

Starscream- With pleasure...
Starscream7 writes: Can I hear a HALLELUIAH!!!!
bringo writes: I'm open.
bringo writes: I swear I had this many beers.
bringo writes: Stop, stop...ok the left now..STOP!
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bringo writes: Gentleman, behold. Aren't I not invisible?
Korium9 writes: CAN YOU DIG IT?!
Pokejedservo writes: Hasbro just recently became a corporate sponsor for FEMA recently. They just started so its not much now, but its better than what FEMA did then.
galvanostril writes: Vortex: Long Live the Fighters!

unseen decepticons: Mua-Deeb! Mua-Deeb!
shockwave_inoz writes: Vortex: "Uh, okay... I can see you guys are just a bit upset. Well, maybe more than just a bit - more like a lot... look, can't we just talk about this??"
Entire Autobot Army: *KABOOOOOOOOOOOM*!!!!!!!!
Masterpiece Prowl writes: STOP! Before you cross the bridge of death, you must answer me these questions three.
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Vortex,"HALT! I am the bridge troll. You must answer my riddle if you wish to pass."

Ultra Magnus,"Springer. Dust him."
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: This is EXACTLY what Arcee saw when Vortex tried to 'Tune in Tokyo'.

Vortex,"*sigh* This is why the NY Jets manage to beat us every time. I'M OPEN DAMMIT!!!"
SeekerInAFakeMoustache writes: Shortly after this shot was taken, the bridge collapsed, the trees came to life, and Vortex had to be dismembered with a chainsaw for attempted soul-sucking.
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Jasen_1500 writes: man put your arms down
A'Arab Zaraq writes: Vortex unveiled his new Wafty Armpit Sweat Attack with great success. Soon after though, Megatron ordered him dismantled....
A'Arab Zaraq writes: Say what's that just creeping into the right side of my vision? Why it looks like the worlds biggest eraser. Wow that's pretty neat! Oh wait! No! No! Please Primus, Dear God Help Me!
dabattousai writes: Vortex: Megatron you are entering the dungeon, the hinch of meldew eminate from the walls....

Megatron: I cannot believe this is what the Earthlings are playing. Who in their minds makes a game that is played with imagination?

Optimus Prime: Yo
richard writes: See? FIVE FINGERS A HAND! We're not a children's cartoon!
Sinflux writes: I love you this much!!
Swindle79 writes: Imagine him running through a field of flowers toward a cute girl decepticon.......
Swindle79 writes: HEEEEEYYYYYY MAcarana!
Swindle79 writes: raise your hand, raise your hannnd if you sure!!!!!!!
Swindle79 writes: Nothing to see here, Please return to your homes and stay there........
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NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Vortex singing,"I said lets put the X in Vortex. WHAT? What're you looking at? KISS can use this crappy tune in the 80's but somehow I do it and I'm wrong? Screw you! 80's KISS RULZ!!!!!!"
Quixstrike writes: THESE are spirit fingers!!
Bravestarr writes: Vortex: OK guys, get out of here.

(Various Decepticons): What are you talking about?

Vortex: Well, I don't know if anyone else is aware, but my toys just aren't selling! It's time for me to have a 20 minute commercial all to myself.
Bravestarr writes: Vortex: Wait, stop!

Megatron: What is it?

Vortex: Can't you see? They haven't animated the background yet!
Bravestarr writes: Vortex: Great, what a time for my animation to stop!
1337W422102 writes: Megatron: (whispers) What's HE doing?
Brawl: (whispers) He's been demoted to a mime.
1337W422102 writes: Stop!... In the name of love!
FlamingUnicron writes: Vortex: MOVE IT YOU PIECE OF TRASH!
Vortex: Easy thier big guy i didn't mean it
Tidal Wave: Tidal Wave smash punny robot
Vortex: Megatron help me
Megatron: Great another Waspinator
FlamingUnicron writes: Go Power Rangers Go! Air Power Ranger Power
A.J. writes: I am the reincarnation of some wrath-like god. FEAR ME!
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Frobman writes: V .. O .. R .. T .. E .. X .. stands for Vortex!! Gotta work on my 'X'.
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Vortex,"I give Keri Strug a ten 10!!!!!"
PrivatePoop writes: Y
Octocon writes: Vortex: "Wooo YAH i got my own spin off series!"
Road Turtle writes: "...And I've got one, two, three, four, five
Senses working overtime,..."
Prime Nova writes: Ok guys - I take it this is the wrong way.
Arc the ZAKO writes: Vortex: You put your right foot, in you put your right foot out! You do the hokey pokey and you turn a self about! That's what its all about!
Megatron: Riiiiiiight.....
Lord Grimlock writes: don't go in there for at least 10 minutes.
kingmenasore writes: its fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A
kingmenasore writes: STOP!!!no one is to go back in the energon pool ever again,dou to the fact that someone left a large turd in the pool!!!
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Binaltech Bombshell writes: Go, trained pit-stank! Gag the enemy with your pit-stankyness!
E.P.Y.A.R.M.S. writes: Hey guys! Watch my megatron impression!....Hi I'm Megatron I lose the war every season but I always come back with the same ideas!.....funny huh?!
xxaMaxx writes: And it was on this very dam that Megatron used his energy mace for the first and only time.

Now, continuing on with the tour...
deadnoble666 writes: Quick guys, hide the stash. I just saw a cop finish his coffee and doughnut!
Stormshadow writes: Vortex tries to tell jokes
"two fish swam into a wall one turned to the other and said damn"
but instead of a laugh; gets a large box.
The moral of the story is if you don't know a good joke; then keep your bloomin mouth shut!
snavej writes: Vortex develops an inexplicable fondness for grey, levitating boxes.
snavej writes: Vortex practices for the 'Upper Class Twit of the Year' competition.


Vortex tries to join 'The Knights Who Say 'Ni''.


Vortex attempts to obtain a government subsidy to develop his silly walk.


Acelister writes: Vortex didn't think Megatron's plan to push the wind would be a very sucessful one...
EnerJolt writes: Que tuhuelce paralla legria cosabuena
A la tuhuelpa legria Macarena. Eeeh, Macarena!
Unknown writes: I am not a crook!
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AirFlare writes: "Up up, baby Vortex wants up!!! MOMMY, VORTEX WANTS UP!!"
CyberTooth writes: --Hey look guys, Come on... Look! I'm making waves at the dam.

==Shut up, Idiot.

--Well, I thought it was funny.
Binaltech Bombshell writes: I'm confident, dry and secure!
Binaltech Bombshell writes: Vortex: YOU...SHALL NOT..PASS!
Brawl(off screen): The Autobots are on the next bridge. Moron.
Binaltech Bombshell writes: Are you threatening me?! I need TP for my bunghole!
DeltaSeeker writes: Vortex: Stop. What... is your name?
Optimus Prime: It is 'Optimus Prime', Leader of the Autobots.
Vortex: What... is your quest?
Optimus: To seek the Decepitcon Base.
Vortex: What... is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
Misfits writes: vortex was testing his deoderant strength
thats why he all alone there
snavej writes: Don Quixote's epic quest to find and vanquish giant invaders disguised as windmills suddenly changes from fantasy to reality.
snavej writes: Stop! In the name of love! Before you break my heart!
snavej writes: Vortex moonlights as a wind machine for a Hollywood movie studio. Unfortunately, many actors and crew members are blown to their doom.
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Frobman writes: I can't make snow angles because of these blasted propelers. It makes it look like a fat man with small arms and legs.
Stormshadow writes: Votex: Hello, anybody there? (waves arms at deceptcions)
Brawl: you hear something
Onslaught: Nope
(Little did Vortex know that he had been cursed with invisibility)
Vortex: Oh now you tell me.
snavej writes: Vortex: You put your both arms in, your both arms out, in, out, shake them all about. You do the Hokey Cokey and you turn around, and that's what it's all about! Oi!

Several Decepticons push Vortex off the dam.
Ransom writes: Vortex: No, stop! Don't do--!

Hasbro: Cybertron is in the Armada/Energon continuity.


Vortex: --it... Great, Hasbro, just great. You just destroyed the universe's sanity. *mutters* Cyber
AirFlare writes: "Stop......HAMMER TIME!"
snavej writes: No. Mr. James Bond, I will not let you jump off this dam! Take your enormous film crew and retinue of hangers-on with you! Go and find another dam: this one's mine!
snavej writes: I really love that beautiful lady from Futurama known as The Crushinator. When I meet her at a party, I will put my hands on her massive rectangular breasts, like this, and squeeze softly. She may then run me over with her super-heavy tank tracks but it
AirFlare writes: After the war, Cybertron headed into another Golden Age. Those who were part of Megatron's/Galvatron's ranks went on to do other things. Seen here, Vortex became the first Decepticon mime. He was a very terrible mime and ended his misery with a
snavej writes: The Combaticons experiment with BO weapon technology. Vortex manages to stun squirrels with his stench.
AirFlare writes: "Have no fear, Lord Megatron. I'll stop these Autobots with a SPIRIT BOMB!"

"Okay now....Goku stood like this and what did he say again?"
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Abominus_prime writes: they're not spirit fingers! THESE are spirit fingers!
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Vortex,"Crap. Invisible wall."
KrouseR writes: "awwww damn, come on guys she isnt that bad looking?" *sighs* "what the hell do you expect for 22 energon credits huh?" *looks over to starscream* "right?"
LordTyphon writes: Vortex stood there waving his arms about. AS Devistator's foot drew closer. (the black thing to the left of the pic gave me the idea)
trailbreaker writes: "I'm letting my underarms dry."
Laserbot writes: ::Vortex watches a work out video::

Vortex: And 1 and 2 , and 1 and 2 common ladies feel the burn!
snavej writes: If these YMCA jokes don't stop soon, I'll have to join the navy. In the navy, you can sail the seven seas. In the navy, you can roger who you please. And so forth.

But how can I find the navy? I'll ask the people in the village over
Land Raider writes: Y M C A! Hey why is no one else joining in?
snavej writes: Vortex: Help! A small child has fallen in the water and the only lifebelt has been stolen! What should I do?

Brawl: Well, you are a helicopter. That might be of some assistance.

Onslaught: Read the Decepticon Manual, Brawl - follow the correct pr
snavej writes: I've had enough of tossing boxes. I want to go to Iraq with the U.S. military and blow up some innocent civilians or insurgents or whoever happens to be around at the time.
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snavej writes: Yo' mama's ass is so fat, I have to push it through doorways like this!
king_dingy writes: Blast-Off: Jump you fool! Bruticus needs his right arm for...well... you know!!
Stormshadow writes: Megatron points cannon at vortex: you will be the giant fan I need for my latest plan.
Vortex: but I'm not a...never mind >_
snavej writes: Vortex: Don't mess with me: I've got terrible wind. My wind is so bad, it can sweep you to your doom!

Sideswipe (laughing): Looks like I'll have to put you on a strict diet, buddy!
snavej writes: Vortex just discovered that, in many countries on Earth, this gesture is considered extremely rude.
snavej writes: Hey, I didn't want to be included in the caption competition. Go and pick on someone else!
Warbird writes: HEYYYYY MACARENA!!!!!
Road Turtle writes: "I'm this many years old!"
Road Turtle writes: "TEN! Ten robotic fingers! HA, HA, HA!"

Wheeljack succesfully downloads The Count from Sesame Street into Vortex's CPU.
Spinal writes: NUMA NUMA EI! NUMA NUMA EI!
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Dr. Caelus writes: Je renonce! Je renonce!
Dr. Caelus writes: Jazz Hands!
Dr. Caelus writes: [quote:"cbff"]Onslaught: Now you've done it Vortex, Combaticons combine and form Bruticus!

Vortex: I didn't mean it, honest I didn't!


Bruticus: Now I need a new arm, I guess I'll need to go find Menasor a
UFO writes: *very tiny voice* WAIT! WAIT! DON'T STEP ON ME!
Bed Bugs writes: Vortex: Stop! I've been done as G1 Vortex, G2 Vortex, RID Ro-Tor, RID Ro-Tor Urban Camo, and Universe Ro-Tor. I can't handle being repainted another time!

Hasbro Rep.: Just one more time Ro-Tor.

Vortex: It's Vortex. Vortex I say
Bed Bugs writes: Megatron: In an effort to finally defeat the Autobots, I'm painting all of my Decepticons different colors and calling them G2 Decepticons!

Vortex: What color will I be?

Megatron: Light Blue with Purple Camoflage!

Vortex: No!!!!!!!!!!
Bed Bugs writes: Vortex: Don't go across! Defensor destroyed the other 4 combaticons, but I survived.

Megatron: How did that happen?

Vortex: We couldn't find all of our accessories to make Bruticus!
Bed Bugs writes: Onslaught: Now you've done it Vortex, Combaticons combine and form Bruticus!

Vortex: I didn't mean it, honest I didn't!


Bruticus: Now I need a new arm, I guess I'll need to go find Menasor and steal one.
Bed Bugs writes: Vortex: Wait for me!
Bruticus: Oops, me forget other arm!
Bed Bugs writes: Vortex: Don't do it!
RID Fan Boy: It's Ro-Tor!
Vortex: That's it! You're gonna pay for that!
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snavej writes: Vortex sways and sings along to Rod Stewart:

'We are sailing, we are saaaaiiiiliiiing, home again, cross the sea.
We are sailing, stormy waters, to be with you, to be free.'

Onslaught pushes him off the dam.
snavej writes: then the kid ran out to see his Dad get out of the helicopter. Dad picked up the kid and lifted him above his head, straight into the rotors. True story! It wasn't me, though. Too bad.
snavej writes: Hey, anyone want anything chopped up? I've got these cool rotors!
morgenes writes: Don't shoot! I just came in for some butt repairs. Dang rotor!
Frobman writes: For my next trick, I'll perform a double-jump, to a hnad-stand, into spinning position ... This will garuantie 1st place in the Cybertroniam Games.
snavej writes: The Combaticons play charades...

Brawl: A ten-word answer?! Oh, come on Vortex, we haven't got all day!

Swindle: 'Wallace & Gromit in The Curse of the Were-Rabbit'.

Onslaught: That was too quick, Swindle! Explain!

snavej writes: Hands up who likes the Smurfs!
Stormshadow writes: Vortex "Stop in the name of the law"..."i've always wanted to loud shout that"
combaticons look at each other then at vortex
Stormshadow writes: Vortex tries star jumping, however he never quite got the hang of it...
snavej writes: Photographers: do you have a problem with red eyes appearing on your pictures? We have a solution - shoot them with a big weapon. No more red eyes!
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DeltaSilver88 writes: Vortex: Look into my eyes.....
You are falling into a deep deep sleep, you are under my power......

Blast-Off: Onslaught! Vortex is at it again!

Onslaught: Ah, let him just do it... *CRUNCH* OK, go get him from under Metroplex.
snavej writes: Wonderful memories from the Combaticons' summer holiday 1996. Brawl holds his good pal Vortex at gunpoint. Vortex throws a big metal box at him. Onslaught slaps them both and refuses to give them any more energon ice cream.
snavej writes: Brawl: What are you doing now?

Vortex: I'm practising my surrendering technique.

Brawl: Why?

Vortex: Just look at next week's script!

Brawl: Oh yeah, I see. How does that go? Two arms rotated 180 degrees?

Vortex: You must have d
snavej writes: Well, we've finished building this dam. I don't need this grey block any more. (Throws it away.) Oh dear, did I hit you, Shrapnel? Shrapnel? No, don't do that! Please, it was an accident! FZAAAAAAK! Aaaaarrgghh!
snavej writes: Vortex: For your own safety, Megatron, keep back! We have an infestation of French Surly Fish in the lake!

[Megatron shoots the lake and vaporises it.]

Megatron: Problem solved.
snavej writes: Vortex: Webs away! Webs ho! Unleash the webs! Let's see some web wrist action!

Blast Off: You're not Spiderman, dumbass!

Vortex: Yes I am! I was bitten by a radioactive spider!

Blast Off: No, that was a rat with diarrhoea.

snavej writes: OK people, move it along, nothing to see here! Except some quite nice scenery, pretty rocks, alien artefacts, big old dam, giant robots fighting - you know, the usual.
Archanubis writes: "Celebrate good times, come on!"
Archanubis writes: It's kinda of akward when you're the only one trying to do the wave.
Frobman writes: Vortex causes trouble and tries to get away with a distracting song.

So long. Farewell. Au rouvoir, auf veiderzein.
I leave before I'm dismanteled again.
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Marcus Rush writes: Yet again Vortex falls prey to the practical jokes of the combined forces of Freeway and Swindle as they sap Vortex's deoderent with liquid heat acid bars.
Castle74 writes: "Y......C'mon Brawl! You're suppose to be the M!"
Wolfguard writes: Putchyor hay-ands up an` PRAZE! th` Lord Jeezuz Chrast! Hee izyor master and sa-havior. Dooyah fa-heel th` hee-lin? Ah`s thair ma bratherz an` sisterz - it`s thair fer you. Bask in th` glory of Gawdz ah-some pa-hower. Allz you come hither, an` wo
Spinal writes: Move over Superman, your turf is mine!
Spinal writes: Come on guys. Don't leave me hangin'.
1337W422102 writes: Vortex: Don't worry, it's me.
Brawl: Prove it.
Vortex: You're a dick.
Kevinus Prime writes: Vortex never gets over the embarassment of getting caught by Wheelie...
Kevinus Prime writes: "Dorothy, can you reach my oil can?"
Kevinus Prime writes: "I once caught a Troutacon THIS big!"
Kevinus Prime writes: "Simon says...jump! Put your hands up! Ha! You're out, Vortex!"
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Kevinus Prime writes: "Come and find me, my name is Macarena...heyyyyyyy, Macarena!"
Pierrimus writes: Swindle: "Sucker, he he."
Vortex: "Hey where are you going? You brokered this deal remember?"
Swindle: "Looser."
Vortex putting up his hands as Autobots pour out of Metroplex: "I surrender, I want to change sides. I h
1337W422102 writes: Vortex Simmons: "And 1 and 2 and 3 and 1 and 2... Doesn't this feel good?! Burn those tons away!!"
Blaster_6267 writes: Put your hands up in the air.....and wave them like you just don't care
Thanatos Prime writes: Vortex: Hey guys! Where ya going? I wanna come! I wanna come! Why aren't you stopping? Are you ignoring me? Guys? C'mon, what did I do? Let me come with you, please? I'll be good, I swear! C'mon, guys!

Onslaught: *wips his head ar
Thanatos Prime writes: Easy, easy! Did I say our mother was as ugly as you are? I meant "Boy Grimlock, how do you keep the fem-bots off of you?" I swear that's what I meant!
Dr Buffalo writes: Aww... does sombody need a hug?
Jaw Crusher writes: Blurr: "Ohnolook! Vortexmustbethechosenone! Hespartingtheredseajustbywavinghisarms!"
Kup: "He's usin' FORCE BEAMS, you hyperactive ass! Just shoot him!"
Death-Ray Charles writes: Y-M-C-A !!! I'M GOIN TO THE Y-M-C-A
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SITHSCREAM writes: During the Annual Decepticon talent show, Vortex did his own rendition of Y.M.C.A.
HardHead writes: Needless to say, megatron was quite annoyed when the helicopter Vortex was made from was of french origins

Note: Just a little bit of Anglo-french rivalry there for any of our friend amigos :D
Thanatos Prime writes: Vortex: Onslaught lookie! I can count to ten!

Onslaught: And Megatron wonders why Bruticus is stupid...
Tusko writes: No sweat stains here, Brawl's the ones with stains.
1337W422102 writes: "Praise Primus, the Mighty Creator! First there was nothing, then there was Primus, and Primus came forth and..."
DeltaSeeker writes: Vortex: "I'm open! Pass the ball here, I'm open!"

Next thing he remembers is waking up back at base after getting tackled by Skylynx.
Zeedust writes: Metroplex: "Hey guys, come look! Vortex flew right into my window again!"
Prowl240z writes: I can't belive its not Butter!!!!
Thanatos Prime writes: Look guys! No hands!
Thanatos Prime writes: Guys! It was a joke! I'm not really getting a pink paint job!
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Tusko writes: Combaticons, form on ME to form Vorticus!
Mkall writes: Vortex was the one who started the YMCA craze. Soon the Combaticons followed suit and became known as the Villagecons
Roadshadow writes: Vortex decided to leave the Decepticons and carry out his ultimate dream: to be a mime.
Raiden Gundam writes: Vortex losing a job as a Decepticon does Deoderant commercials.
Vortex: Smelly!!
Raiden Gundam writes: Vortex: Mommy, I want a hug!
Bruticus: What the hell? Where is my missing piece?
Vortex: Mommy!
Bruticus: Shut the hell up! You can't be my missing piece you dumass. Now what the hell is that thing stuck to your shoulder called?
snavej writes: Vortex: Damn you, Swindle! Why did you trade my glue gun for that farmer's rusty old shotgun?!

Swindle: At least you've got a vaguely lethal weapon now, and I've got a field full of pigs to sell!
snavej writes: No, you can't go across this dam. Optimus Prime and Megatron will be having a massive fight on it at 2pm sharp. Anyone who interrupts will be sliced salami!
snavej writes: Vortex: So I assumed the position like this and he tried to violate me but I chopped it off with my rotors!

Other Combaticons roll on floor laughing.
Tusk writes: Wait! Don't Leave me Soundwave! I love You!!
Prime805 writes: v: "So this bird I got my groove on with her ass was this big"
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Warhead writes: Vortex-Go Vortex it my birthday!it my birthday!
zeroomegazx writes: its!! its!! its magrathea!
Stormshadow writes: Vortex runs along the road "Wait for meeeee"
Other combaticons "you'd have thought he got the hint by now"
snavej writes: Kung Fu lessons. Vortex attempts to become one with nature, but it needs work.
snavej writes: Vortex: Whoa there, Trypticon! You're too heavy to drive over this dam!

Trypticon: Grrr! Move!

Vortex flees, hoping to escape blame.
Shermtron writes: Pass interference on the autobots....15 yard pently loss of engergon
Frobman writes: Vortex thinks he's Gandulf after watching the Lord of the Rings 23 times.
Tusko writes: "Guys, I swear the fish I caught was this big. Really!"
snavej writes: Practising for the next big summer music festival...
snavej writes: If I surrender to the Autobots, they'll have to protect me from this week's big nasty creature and they might get slagged in the process. I'm a frikkin' genius!
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snavej writes: 10 fingers! Beat that, Shockwave, Scorponok and all you other freaks!
doomboy536 writes: look ma, i washed my hands for supper!
snavej writes: Vortex: Hey, guys, isn't it my turn to be an arm?

Onslaught: Don't question my orders. Combaticons, unite!

Vortex (forming a leg of Bruticus): Oof! Onslaught, you've put on weight.

Onslaught: No personal jibes either, flyboy!
snavej writes: Vortex is so bored, he starts a one-mech Mexican wave.
snavej writes: Daddy! You've come home!
snavej writes: Hey, Macarena! Ai!
snavej writes: Whatever that big grey blocky thing is, I'm surrendering to it!
snavej writes: It is important to do some stretching exercises before a hard day's terrorising.
TransformerKing1 writes: I come in peace!
Powermaster Jazz writes: The quarterback never passed the ball to Vortex because quote "He's a dork."
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Hi-Eye-Q writes: Vortex deeply regreted his defection to the Autobtts. Yesterday he was put under for some:

"Minor Alterations"

And today awoke to find he was now a Windmill...
Hi-Eye-Q writes: Vortex considered his new Earth disguise form, that of a railroad crossing sign, to be a master stroke of Genius...
ZeroZ writes: " at the YMCA!"
DarkDranzer writes: V: "Yeah, throw your hands up in the air!! 'Cause if you don't care, then we don't care!! Yeah!! One, two, three times two to the six, jolts in for your hits with the Limp Bizkit mix!!

*Brawl was reading "The WWE Legends"
Steeleye writes: Just out of Shot Brawl, Swindle and Blast Off are doing M, C, and A.
Acelister writes: Vortex: "All I was doing was singing 'Can't Touch This'!"
Megatron: "And for that, you will be destroyed!"
Starscream: "But Megatron...!"
Megatron: "Not YOU..."
Acelister writes: Vortex: "I'm sure, if you think about this, it's actually quite funny..."
Ultra Magnus: "You dropped a gasoline tanker truck on a school..."
Vortex: "... That was filled with KIDS, I might add..."
Ultra Magnus:
Acelister writes: Vortex: "Whoa! Hold it! To your left! No, your other left!"
Ratbat writes: STOP, you fools! It's ME, your fellow Combaticon VORTEX!!
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Transformers Podcast: Twincast / Podcast #351 - Ask Your Dad
Twincast / Podcast #351:
"Ask Your Dad"
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Posted: Saturday, June 1st, 2024

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